Friday, February 12, 2010

Another shoot for my book.

So I did another shoot for my book which is entitled as of right now. "The Things We Do"....I don't know how I feel about the titled yet. For right now I will just call it that so that way I have something to call it.

I have a friend by the name of Jeff Dix. Great guy. Knows a ton about music and is currently working on a screenplay called *censored* which is about *censored* so it's going to be pretty awesome. He has got a good grasp on storytelling from what I can gather we go out for drinks and talk it over. He is like the modern day Homer.

So I have gone to his house a handful of times and he has a storyboard where he lays out his scenes for his movie. It caught my eye one day and I decided to put him (and it) in my book.

I was deciding between two photos. One which I will put up here. The other is the one that will go in my book. I might be putting it on the site soon and make a separate section for photos from my book.

So here is the photo I decided against.

I like the photo a lot but a few things bug me that I couldn't let go.

First the beaming of my second strobe from the left was rough and awkward I could always photoshop that out but the big thing that changed it is...

Up to this point this is one of the first vertical photos I have taken that I have liked. My whole book right not is horizontal. Most of the books I own (photo-books) are one side. Either horizontal or vertical. I know I will eventually have to mix it up but for right now this photo didn't scream out to me enough to keep it. So I edited it roughly. Put it up here. And voila! Here we are...

More photos coming soon I have some interesting shoots set up. 

More later!


Friday, February 5, 2010

Finally! i did it!

All done with the site. It's still in construction but at least it's up. So check it out. I will still be bloggin here but for business purposes the site is up!

on top of that. finished another shoot for my book and working on a second one today. Hopefully that goes well. I have a friend whom is a writer and I am trying to go for eye catching headshots/portraits for this one. A bit different than what I normally shoot. Good luck to me!

Here is a shot that isn't on my site and is not edited. I still like it though. Its from the last gaming shoot with Brad.

