Friday, April 23, 2010

Normal text blog...and GO...

So I have been very busy. I enjoy it though. I think it's fun taking peoples pictures and capturing a feeling inside them that they never have seen possible. The fun thing is when people don't want their picture taken. It's just awesome. I tell everyone that I choose them for a reason. I actually like taking pictures of people that don't like their picture taken more so than people who do. It gives a more real feel. I know a few actors and it's really hard to get a certain angle or shot with them, because most of them know their good side. Know their faces. So, they don't give me the freedom I need or the trust that is needed to create a great shot.

I have always been a kind of person to push people. I am usually the guy that says a joke and no one laughs, except myself. I have always been ok with that. That lack of limitation is great for my photography. i like bringing out a feeling in people that they didn't think I could capture. Yet, a lot of people because of my persistance begin to trust me. I have a lot of great "models" lined up for some great shots. It's really all about chemistry with who I am shooting and myself. So in that I usually choose people I can talk to, or who are fun and energetic. Another reason why I don't often choose actors.

"No" is a word I hear a lot. Not for shoots. a lot of people want their picture taken. Just for things that I want done. If you want to work for me be prepared for what I will ask you to do. Nudity is fine, but it's not my main directive. I never want a picture of mine to have nudity for the sake of nudity. Tell me your biggest fear, let me know who you are. This is a business, but this is also my art. My camera is my brush, people and light are my paint, and my head contains the canvass in which I put both of those things on.

If you want to work with me. Trust me. That is all ;)

Hope you enjoy my photos, stay tuned for more stuff!


Saturday, April 17, 2010

The past two oh wow.

Man the past two days have been tiring but just awesome.

Thursday started off with just a bunch of clothes washing and basic housing non sense. Cleaning moving other kind of jazz. It was all pretty boring until way later when my main my Bryan came over. We had discussed a shoot a couple weeks before. I wanted him to show his tattoo I knew that much. When the shoot first started in my head he was going to just have his shirt off. AS it went on I realized Bryan has been a drummer a long time. He has such a passion and drive for it...even so that I think even if someone were to take all of his clothes he'd give every piece up first before any of his kit was taken. Even more so I think Bryan would trade anything of his to keep his kit.

Even the clothes off of his back...

So that is exactly what I based the shoot off of...

So we went through that shoot and my fav one was this...

That I figured really capture what I was going for...don't take that snare! You don't want to know what will happen to you. So after we finished the shoot and Bryan put his clothes back on we wanted to do a couple of basic shots...clothed of we were going through them and I didn't really feel a shot until he put on the hat. I thought it was great. I made him play with the bill for a while and we came out with this...

So I thought that, that day was not wasted. Solid photos from that shoot. 

Friday was filled with waking up. Making lunch and working hard to leave on time. Then going to work at 2. When I got off at 10 it kicked off with a shoot. Until 1am. The model was a friend of mine named Wendy. My next shoot was kind of a something you want to touch but not really shoot. Her body lures you in but something about her face makes you feel like there is some trickery a foot. Followed by confidence that she knows she has you...she does people...she does.

and I came out with this shot...

That was deff my favorite. We had a few other shots we went through some not as raunchy...a few I really enjoyed but this one stuck with me the most...this one was probably one of my favs as well:

This one was deff more aggressive. I shyed from it because of that. Not really any invitation at all but deff seductive. All and all I feel like i did really well with these shots. They came out exactly how I wanted. More are coming so definitely stayed tuned. Again, if you want to pose for me or want to know my rates email me at
