Monday, December 7, 2009

Face Off 2009

This year I really got into Photography. For those of you who do not know me I am very competitive. I love going against other people for anything. I feel like I learn so much if I lose. Well, the winning isn't as cool. It's all about the learning. So I entered a photo competition called "SMASHBOX FACE OFF 2009". I wanted to get top 50. Wasn't even close. Although my lighting is ok. I need to study it more. I learned that through this comp. I want to get better and stronger. My image I felt like though in itself is still very strong. I was trying to keep it dark. At the same time get the point through. I like low lighting more so than very vivid light. It's hard to portray the image in my head while doing that. Win some you lose some.

I have had this idea for a while and felt like the competition was a good way to start getting it out there.

The basic premise was just the evolution of the gay community on how through the years it has become more and more accepted. Through ethnicitys. Half way through the shoot we decided to throw the ARMY image in there because of recent political debates and such. So we decided to keep it. I had to great models that were very gung ho and very professional so to that I give thanks.

Even though I didn't win anything I still gained a ton of experience. I'd like to thank Luis for helping me out and always being my tech when I need him. Patrick Patterson and Kent Jose for being very great models and staying in one place for 2 hours. Thanks Rudy for telling me. Thanks to everyone else who was just as excited as I was about the image.

Wait for the next Comp. I'll work even harder and stay tuned.

So here it is. Ask&Tell


1 comment:

  1. Yo, dawg, you can always count on me to give you a hand.

