Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Another day another shoot....again....

I have updated my site just a bit. There were some problems with the way it was coming up on some browsers so I adjusted that as well as just adjusting the front page to capture more of my style a tad.

I wish I had the skill to do amazing landscape photography. Alas I ain't that good, i'll save the landscapes I am proud of for my flickr.

Anywho, today was Chaz Aherns headshots.

This guy is deff a cool guy, we were going for a certain look today. Or should I say looks.

FYI for those of you who want tons of looks in a short time with a photographer just so you know. Jeans go a long way.

Anywho we were walking around doing shots changing clothes and while walking to our last spot I plotted out a shot i really wanted to take. It would involve me looking like an idiot and climbing on top of a fence.

I figured I already have the idiot look down so why not the fence. so I did.

I took a few, thank goodness for decent auto focus cause I have to hold myself up with one of my arms while the other one did adjustments as well as taking the darned photo. It came out pretty cool I switched it with another photo I had on the front page now my front page is pretty much littered with portraits.

My book is coming along haven't taken to many photos but deff got a lot of cool people lined up in the coming months.

Anywho here is the said photo:

Also I usually post something that isn't on my site so here is another one from that same shoot today:


Until next time!


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