Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Yesterday. Oh boy, long day.

Yesterday started at 6am and didn't end until 10. Granted, from 7-1 I was taking pictures but it wasn't until I got to work that I started wearing down. It was awesome though. Got some great shots. Some yummy foods. Overall it was a good experience. Kent did a great job rallying us all up and active so it worked out wonderfully. All the extras where very helpful. Some stayed extra even though they had to go. They were all very professional. I wish I always had the pleasure of working with people like that.

I met some cool peeps. Hung out with my co worker John outside of a stressful selling environment and just got to relax for like 20 mins before I had to go to my day job.

So it was a good shot for me at like promotional photography. Saturday is going to be another long day. Up at 7am and out shooting at 8am.

Check my flickr ( for all the photos i'll post some here. Thanks for reading!


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